CONDENSED SUSTAINABILITY RESOURCE*, and easy actions that make a big impact.
== For quick ideas, click "NOT MUCH TIME?" (right column) ==

*A blog & resource for all aspects of sustainability (plus ongoing projects). Clean energy deployment. Preservation and restoration of native ecology. Clean water as a right vs a commodity. Alternatives in daily living. Equity, in all its forms.

The sustainable answers are already out there, and have been for decades.
Let's advance the positive answers, rendering the problems irrelevant.

FOOD / WATER - Sustainable ingesting


#1) SAY NO TO BOTTLED WATER. One of the most important actions you can take. Why?:
- Keep water as our right versus becoming "owned" by big business and sold back to us.
- Don't fund big business with bottled water purchases; discourage corporate influence over lawmaking.
- Protect local aquifers from being drained, even during drought.
- Reverse enormous fossil fuel use in acquisition, shipping, cooling, bottling, labeling.
- Keep freshwater systems intact for biodiversity and clean drinking water.
- Reduce enormous plastic burden in landfills.
- Reducing energy used in recycling.
- Stop hazards for wildlife eating plastic or getting tangled.
- Much more.
Next steps
a) Reduce drinking of pop and other drinks (and food) with HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) - nor aspartame, but that's more for health alone. Look under "ingredients" on food/drink.
- HFCS may be at the root of our obesity and diabetes crises
- Most corn is genetically modified, extremely fossil fuel intensive, and degrades huge amounts of land.
- Enormous taxpayer subsidies for corn crops are better spent on sustainable answers.
- More:
b) Drink preferably from glass (or ceramic), and preferably reusable. Best to carry your own non-plastic bottle from home. Besides plastic being non-sustainable, chemicals from plastic leach into drinks.
c) Suggestions: Tap water, lemon water, tea, 100% juice.
(More under FOOD/WATER - right column)

- Free-range, local, grass-fed meat is best, if you eat meat.
- Can you tell if the food or product is locally made or grown (how close)?
- Is it chemical-free, including no pesticides and herbicides?
- At the food store, try to find only ingredient labels that don't include high fructose corn syrup (it's very hard at a mini-mart).
- Try to find only recyclable packaging (non-plastic is even harder).

- Find local markets, ask vendors if produce is locally grown, organic. For Ohio, see TRUSTED RESOURCES, below. Healthier eating, plus promotes sustainable agriculture, less fossil fuels, better land use, local economy.

Food and Water Watch:
Growhio: Website includes a farmers guide and what's in season:

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